Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Back 2 the Bone

1993, March or April. I played my last lesson, my last group, with a trombone. My main instrument is the Euphonium, and I gave that up too. I started on the bone in 5th grade, and played til 8th when the band director switched me over to Baritone since there was no other. I played bone and euphonium through high school, then set them aside for a bit before going to college.
Then, midway through my second semester, I quit.
Now, fast forward to February 14th, 2008 - I found out my second kid is on the way. The next day, I had a sudden flash for no reason - I should join a community band. The following Tuesday, I was surfing youtube for Festive Overture, 2nd Suite by Holst, the old songs I used to play in High School. On a whim, I searched for community bands, and found out there is one that meets 1/4 mile from where I live. I called their 24 hour hotline (yes, they have a hotline) and left a message. The next day around 2pm, I got a call from the woman who runs the band. She wanted to know if I played trombone (I had said Euphonium on the message) and since I did, would I mind stopping by that night to play? Both their trombones were out, and they needed a bone playing.
So less than 24 hours after making that search, I found myself in a community band - playing beside people who with pride told me it was 20, 25, 30 years since they had played before picking up their horn again and joining. I found myself playing, and remembering, and remembering just how often a trombone has to rest and count and try to remember where to come in again. All the old suppressed memories came back, and I knew I was hooked.

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